January 12, 2014

40|52 - 44|52

40: blurry snow (don't ask)
41: not-so-blurry snow
42: bokeh
43: shadows
44: typical

Thanks for reading! Please do NOT copy any photos. If you'd like to, please ask me first. :)


  1. Blurry snow! Love it! Not at all that strange, really Jessie. =) The frost on the (car?) window though, O.O all those neat little swirls and swoops of the frost!! I love frost, but we don't get very much of it. =/
    The bokeh. I like the bokeh. A lot!
    "Typical" hehe! ^_^ You have posted a lot of those, I haven't seen one I didn't like yet! (You must really like that kind of bush, eh?)


    1. Thank you! :) (it's a plain window, btw.) Yeah, 'twas quite cool. :) Aww. :-/
      Me too. ;)
      Yeah. ;D Aw, thanks! (Yeah, I guess I do. It's, like, the only "photogenic" bush near my house ;)


  2. THE FROSTINESS. jack frost likes your place. and have i mentioned recently how you are one of my top favourite girls-with-cameras? coz you are. #43 . . . O-O *saves to computer* #ehehe. thank you for that! ~ YOUR BOKEH IS TOO PRETTY FOR ME. the laaaast one! typical, pah. it is . . . *saves to computer* <--that, in past tense. <3

    1. I guess so. O-O Aww, I'm so honored. :) Oh yeah, that was kinda cool, right? The light was AMAZING. <3 #noproblem(: I'M SO GLADDD. :D Gosh, you are just so sweet. <333

  3. WOAH! I LOVE these! You are very talented!

  4. Gorgeous photos! Wow you're talented. :) Wish it would snow where I am...I would so love to get some snow pics. My two favorites are the first and the fourth. But they're all lovely. I'll be following.
    Tane ♥

  5. Wow, Haven't been on in loooooooooooooooooooong time! I see project 52 is going smoothly, very nice photos by the way! They're all great!

